Explain the use of computers in given fields:-
Medical Science and Health Care
Travel and Ticketing
Weather Predictions
Art and Entertainment
Social Media
Scientific Research
Daily Life
Q. Answer the following questions:-
What are input devices? Explain its types.
What are output devices? Explain its types.
What is C.P.U.? Explain its working.
What is memory? Explain its three types.
What is motherboard? Explain its importance.
What are expansion cards? Explain its types.
What are storage devices? Explain some.
Explain ports with their types
Q. Answer the following questions:-
Explain working of the computer system with a labelled block- diagram.
Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
What is BIOS?
Make a chart of different memory units.
Explain in brief:-
USB ports
Fire-wire ports
Ethernet ports
Session 4
Q1. Explain in brief:-
Desktop computers
Laptop computers
Handheld computers
Tablet computers
Personal computers
Q2. How many types of personal computers are there? Name them.
Q3. Explain the role of memory in a computer system.
Q4. Explain the different factors that affect the overall performance of a computer system.
Q5. Explain various productivity softwares.
Q6. What is e-mail? Explain e-mail address format.
Q7. What is a chat program?
Q8. Define a communication program.
Session 5
Q1. What do you mean by POST?
Q2. Explain the startup/booting process of a computer system.
Q3. Make a chart of different functions of keys on keyboard.
Q4. Define a keyboard and a mouse.
Q5. Explain the working of mouse.
Session 6
Q1 Define:-
My computer
Recycle bin
Q2 Explain these options of start menu:-
Help & support
Q3 Explain in brief the different functions of an operating system.
Session 7
Q1. Which two keys help to copy a file/folder?
Q2. What combination of keys helps you to select all the files in a folder?
Q3. Write short cut keys for the following:-
Renaming a file
Deleting a file/folder
Copy a file/folder
Paste a folder/file
Cut a folder/a file
Q4. Write the extensions of:-
Word document
Executable files
Q5. Write the steps:-
For creating a folder
To cut a folder
To copy a folder/a file
To copy a folder/a file
Deleting a file/folder
To cut, paste a folder/a file
Session 8
Q1. Name any three Internet service providers in India.
Q2. Name any three Internet browsers.
Q3. Name any two search engines.
Q4. Which two sets of words should be typed to get appropriate results:-
[What is the capital of India?] OR [Capital of India]
[Fastest train] OR [Which train has the highest speed?]
Q5. What are the requirements of an Internet connection?
Q6. Define bandwidth. How it is measured?
Q7. Explain different types of Internet connections.
Q8. Give some basic tips to search information using search engine.
Session 9
Q1. What is I.P. Address?
Q2. What is domain name? Explain its element and suffix with its description.
Q3. Explain the working of internet explorer.
Q4. What is Encarta? Give its uses.
Q5. What is E-commerce? Explain how to purchase online movie tickets.
Q6. What is Portal? How will you use it?
Q7. Explain searching of information from MSN.
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